Recent Professional Experience
and Recognition
Painting donated to the annual Lawrence Art Auction
Lawrence Arts Center | Lawrence, Kansas
Artist Inc. Fellow - Professional Training Consortium for selected regional artists of varying disciplines
Sponsored by Mid America Arts Alliance | Kansas City, Missouri
Sin, Virtue & the Language of Flowers
The Seven Deadly Sins & Seven Heavenly Virtues
Solo Exhibition
Stephen Smith Gallery | Topeka, Kansas
Painting donated to “Dinner on the Curve” annual fundraiser for Van Go
Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
Rocks in My Head & Other Things of Value
Meditations in Watercolor
Solo Exhibition
Tallgrass Studios | Lawrence, Kansas
Founder and proprietor of BONEYARD Studio & Gallery
Creede, Colorado
Personal studio established in The Studios at Bristol
Creede, Colorado
Art Director, full-time
Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
Phoenix Award recipient for Arts Educator of the Year
presented by The Lawrence Arts Alliance | Lawrence, Kansas
“Spirit Dancers” Permanent installation - relief painted wood mural, 10’ X 26'
Commissioned for the Spencer Computer Lab, Van Go, Inc.
Executed with students during tenor as Art Director and for Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
“Circle of Family” Permanent installation - relief mosaic and painted wood entry mural, 14’ X 30'
Commissioned for renovated Van Go, Inc. building
Executed with students during tenure as Art Director for Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
Toni Morrison Commemorative Art Bench commissioned by Friends of Toni Morrison and presented to Toni Morrison, Nobel Laureate.
Executed with students during tenure as Art Director for Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
Rita Dove Commemorative Art Bench commissioned by and presented to Rita Dove, U.S. Poet Laureate.
Executed with students during tenure as Art Director for Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
National Endowment for the Arts "Coming Up Taller Award for Excellence in Art Education Programming" presented to Van Go Arts, Inc.
Received during tenure as Art Director for Van Go, Inc. | Lawrence, Kansas
Donor Wall Mural Permanent installation - acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 10’ X 8'
Commissioned by Jonathan Kemper for the renovated Kansas City Central Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri