About Cathy
My full-time professional art career began in 1984 as
a free-lance illustrator and calligrapher. Since then I
have served as an art educator, business owner, adult workshop instructor, art director and teaching artist. Eventually I have always found a way back to my first love, personal art making.
The heart of my personal work centers round an irrepressible fascination with the mysteries of human behavior. Throughout my professional life, I have observed and interpreted these deep currents of human dichotomy using natural and manmade objects as metaphors for paradox in my paintings.
Inspired by nature, music and literature, my process is meditative and unhurried. I begin a painting with no planned composition or outcome. Entering the studio
in this way requires a leap of faith from my perch of observation into a churning river of truth telling. This compelling experience releases a powerful unedited voice and is the primary reason I continue to live as an artist.

Currently, my medium of choice is watercolor. I also enjoy acrylic, graphite, pastel, colored pencil, mosaic, wood and hot glass. I love beautiful papers, delicate brushes and fine materials as well as rusty, twisted and cast off objects – other peoples’ junk.
Today I am retired from education and commercial art endeavors and happily devote myself, once again, to personal art making. In 2018, I established a seasonal gallery in Creede, Colorado called BONEYARD Studio & Gallery. It opens from mid-June to mid-September. I also participate in juried exhibitions, collaborations and local creative activities offered in the artistic communities of Lawrence and Creede.
At 70, my master plan is to stay healthy enough to show up in my studio every day - to follow the spontaneously creative process of watching, leaping, immersing and art making - until the day I die.